SOL #8 Fantastic customer

 I work part time jobs at a convenience store. I met a fantastic customer there. 

He come the cash register and put his items on counter when I was a cashier. At that time, I was very surprised. Barcodes of all items are on top! He purposely places the barcode of the product face up. My senior workers who are used to working the cash register are quick to find barcodes. However, it takes a lot of time for me because I am not used to it. So, his behavior was helpful. I was so happy. 

Products with barcodes on top

I also started putting the side with the barcode on top as I was impressed by what he did. I would be glad if everyone acted like him. 


  1. Hello. I'm Yu. He's behavior is so cool. I'd like to act like him!

  2. Hi, I'm Riko. You are a very caring and kind customer!
    It's a small thing, but I thought it was very nice!

  3. He is very nice! I wish I could act like him.




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SOL#3 Yakiniku

SOL #12 Christmas party